Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Others

3. Write about the narrative that your group has chosen for project 1. Why have you chosen this work? How might you approach the task of re-configuring it as an interactive piece? Be prepared to discuss your group’s choice of work in class on Thursday.

Presenting our idea in a short and sweet paragraph. We will be looking at the movie “The Others”. We chose it as it is rather exciting and because it has a very interesting twist to the end. The entire story builds up to that climax, the super kernel, where the audience finally realizes the truth. Basically, we are allowing the user to have greater control over the unfolding of the story, to let them decide what part of the story they want to further explore. We will be borrowing a bit of George Legrady’s idea on connectivity and multi-linearity as well as the hypertext and hotspots to reconfigure it as an interactive piece. We have to ensure that the reader uncovers the important parts of the story before allowing them access to the super kernel.


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