questioning 2
After what seems like ages, here is my answer for question 2...2. Chatman observes that “whether… the author elects to order the reporting of events according to their causal sequence or to reverse them in a flashback effect – only certain possibilities can occur… Of course certain events or existents that are not immediately relevant maybe brought in. But at some point their relevance must emerge, otherwise we object that the narrative is ‘ill-formed.’” This is the notion of self-regulation.Interactive media allows for choice and control on the part of the reader/user. What problem does this raise for self-regulation? What, if anything, does this suggest about designing interactive narrative?
Choice and control on the part of the reader may give rise to the issue of whether the outcome gives rise to the experience of open or closed interactivity. If it is open interactivity, it will make room for more possibilities. The user may opt for something which may not be entirely relevant to the story and therefore, it pushes against the notion of self regulation. Yet, even if it is relevant, the outcome of the narrative may vary. The structure of the narrative may also change.
I think the important questions that we have to address and consider are what kind of experience do users expect out of it, to what extent do we want the narrative structure to remain intact and how much control and choice should we bestow upon the player. These questions help us to determine, to some extent, the level of thought, consideration and effort that has to go into developing a narrative into an interactive.
We must also be reminded that the extent to which the user has control and choice depends very much on the designing of the interactive media. Perhaps the design can be such as to limit the choices available but yet to provide the perception that the player has control and choice? Or even make it seem as though the option available is the natural choice? Perhaps various possible paths taken will eventually link back to the narrative? Possibilities and options may be accorded to the player but we also have to understand the significance of providing them as well as knowing how it enhances the game or narrative.
Having to take into account the narrative aspect, the element of interactivity as well as control and choice, designing an interactive narrative is really no mean feat. A lot of thought has to be given to it
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